The Cornell Hotel Society is an independent organization created by alumni, for alumni. We work independently of Cornell University and its affiliates. The CHS Lobby is a networking platform created and operated by CHS. To use our App, please read the End User License Agreement (EULA).



Please provide information to verify your relationship with CHS.  An activation link will be sent via email, usually within 24-48 hours Profile activation is required to complete the registration process.  (Check your junk mail folder if it is missing.) 


Current Students & Recent Grads: It is suggested to sign up with an email address other than "" since your Google Drive access will end after graduation.


Refer to the following when selecting your *CHS Membership Type:

  • Alumni (Degree) - Former students in the bachelor or master’s programs at the Hotel School, including the Baker Program in Real Estate.  (If in a dual degree program with another university, students must be on campus taking SHA courses for at least one year; otherwise, they will be considered Affiliate members.)
  • Young Alumni - First five years after graduating from a degree program.
  • Collegiate Chapter - Current students
  • Affiliate (Exec Ed) - Completed GMP, ESCP, PDP (4 certificates), or previously approved programs.
  • Honorary - Designation presented by the Global CHS Board
  • Friends of the Society - By invitation
  • Faculty (Current and Emeritus) faculty of SHA
  • Former Faculty (Non Emeritus) of SHA
  • SHA Administration - Staff of the University

If none of these categories apply, please email and indicate your relationship with CHS.  


Need your NetID? You can search for it here: CU Alumni Database  




* Required fields are marked with an asterisk
Alumni Information